3. Carrying


You sit on a chair carrying in your hands a burning candle.
The floor is carrying the chair: feel how the floor carries the chair. 
The chair is carrying you: feel how the chair carries you.
You are carrying the candle: how does your body adapt itself to the burning candle? 

Your body settles in the room... the room receives your body.
You stand up and carry the candle through the room: how does your body adapt itself to the carrying around?

The floor is carrying you: feel how the floor carries you
The candle is carrying the flame… Or is the flame carrying the candle, the hands, the earth? 

The practice of carrying can be carried out in many different ways. One of them is the exercise to endure. One of the participants decided to endure a annoying man:

“One day he decides to bear up with a tiresome man, who often comes by unwanted, keeping people from their work with his boring and meaningless talks. Normally he avoids contact with this man but this time he approaches him saying: “Hi, how are you?” The tiresome man, who usually hangs around half an hour, is so flabbergasted of this friendly reception that he gratefully winds up the conversation after only a few minutes. Theo notices “that carrying and bearing has to do with relaxation, with letting go. But also with giving attention to oneself, the pain, the irritation. (…) If I tell my pain that I have heard her signal, she does need to hurt me anymore.”